Part of my goal with this blog has always been to share with you the reader things that I find funny, interesting, or otherwise enriching for your life. Therefore, in an effort to give the blog a little more structure (and to make sure that I continue to post regularly), I am introducing a new feature to the blog: Weekly Recommendations. Once a week I will review something I think is cool. It could be a book, a movie, an album, or even, like today's offering, a podcast.
You may know John Hodgman from his work on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart or as PC from the Mac and PC commercials. He is also a humor writer, former professional literary agent, and renowned fake judge.
The Judge John Hodgman podcast is a production of that invites real people to let John Hodgman mediate their disputes. Anyone can submit a dispute via email, and a few are selected to argue their case in front the Judge, swearing to abide by his ruling "no matter how odious it may be."
Listeners have brought forth cases that range from "Is the White Album good?" to "Which roommate should get the big room in the apartment?" and beyond. Several episodes of the podcast have featured disputes between married couples, but JJH has put a ban on such cases because he was accused of hosting a podcast version of The Marriage Ref.
In each of these cases, John Hodgman uses his natural eloquence, his immense intelligence, and his considerable fake expertise to reach a decision that is both fair and hilarious. He is joined by Bailiff Jesse Thorn, host of The Sound of Young America, and all 30 episodes of the podcast can be downloaded for free from iTunes. I have embedded one for your listening pleasure.
This case finally settles the age-old question: Are machine guns robots?
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